Donate or Volunteer

About Us

We are a not for profit organization. To provide information and support for people that need help to change, we need financial support and like minded individuals to further the goals of our organization.


Help you begin your journey to a better life. Promote the idea of You Learn What You Live. You are a product of your environment. Provide the latest information from trusted sources to help you change, learn and grow. Guide you through the process towards a better life. Our goals are to help people get a better understanding of their past to help them change what is broken and improve what isn’t. HELP for most is unavailable or unattainable for most people in our modern society, there is no village any more for most.

Support Us

There are many ways to support us. Financial donations are appreciated to keep the proverbial lights ONl . Your stories of change, recovery or development are a great help for others in the community. Resources are always needed, strategies that work for one person may not work for another.

If you would like DONATE or VOLUNTEER please contact us using the form bellow. THANKS!